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3 tips (plus some) to save your eyes

While I was away on holiday I commented to my husband, Moray, that my sharp eyesight had returned! I could read without spectacles again, and see everything clearly. How exciting that was!

Now, hardly a week after resuming my ‘normal’ life, I am noticing that the improvements are slipping away. The big difference is that I am again spending more time in front of electronic screens.

So here are some tips for caring for your eyes:

  • Reduce the amount of blue light, emitted by screens, that is hitting your eyes


    • Make time to turn off your screen and rest your eyes. Tea breaks and meals are good time to do this during the working day.
    • Follow the 20-3-20 rule. Every 20 minutes stop looking at the screen and focus on something about 3 metres away for 20 seconds. If need be, set a timer to remind yourself.
    • Adjust your screen and your chair so that the light does not fall directly on your eyes.
  • Adjust the brightness of your screens. As a rule of thumb have the brightness of the screen and the surrounding light more or less equivalent.
  • Use blue light filters on your screens and spectacles that can filter out most of the blue light.
  • Switch off all screens at least 2 hours before bedtime. The blue light disturbs your circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.
  • Do not look at screens in the dark. The contrast between the light on the screen and the dark surrounds causes immense strain on your eyes.
  • White fluorescent light stresses the eyes. Consider replacing your light bulbs with some that have a warmer tone.

Contact me today to talk about how to assist your eye health.

📞 084 506 3643


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