4 personal health tips for new and busy moms
Being a mom to young children (and even not-so-young ones!) is possibly one of life’s greatest blessings, but it comes with a whole basketful of real challenges as well. Not least of these is utter exhaustion, especially in the early years, and the personal neglect that follows. It feels as if just about every ounce of energy is used up dealing with the needs of your special child.
So here are some points to consider:
1. Self care actually needs to be a priority for you! I can almost see you rolling back your eyes on reading this. ‘Yes, right!’, I hear you say. But maybe accept that you are being given permission to do this as a matter of urgency. If I could actually prescribe it for you I would!
The reality is that when you take care of your own physical and mental well-being, you are going to be a far more effective mom to you child(ren).
What might self-care look like? Here are some suggestions:
a) Find a support system.
This can be family and friends, but it can also be a support group of like-minded people.
Knowing that there are people to call on, and that you are not alone, is a great help.
b) Find ways that help you deal with your stress
There are lots of methods available: meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or even a hobby that you enjoy. It doesn’t really matter what you choose, just as long as it really is a way in which you can reduce your stress response to all the challenges in your day. And something that you can bring into your daily life.
c) Learn to manage your time well – just as a ‘working woman’ might!
Try and set routines into your days as soon as possible. I know babies are not bound by routines at all, but toddlers can start to adapt. And at least there is a basic structure into which the day’s happenings fit. It also allows you to see what needs to be done, and what optional extras can in fact be let go of in favour of more useful things.
d) And accept imperfection!
Parenting is definitely a learn-as-you-go activity! And as such one is always having to correct course. That automatically makes perfection impossible, so you can relax. You are doing the best you can, that’s for sure!
2. Exercise regularly
Actually, as a mom of young children you are almost doing a whole lot of running around, and actually getting quite a bit of exercise! Be vigilant, though. Sometimes w you might find ourself sitting a whole lot, and that’s not good. Even just short bursts of activity regulalry, to break any cycle of being to sedentary works wonders. It will boost your energy levels, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.
3. Make sure you are well-nourished
We all try to eat wholesome, nutritious meals – don’t we? And we all know how challenging that can be at the best of times. My secret advice is to take a short cut qith this aspect of caring for your health – do the best you can as far as feeding the family is concerned, and then fill the gaps that might be there with proven, whole-food nutritional supplements! If you want to know what I use and recommend you can find my contact details below and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
4. Sleep whenever you can!
Aim for adequate and consistent sleep. However, if you have a very restless and wakeful infant you might have to learn to sleep when your baby sleeps! Lack of sleep will make motherhood way more challenging than it already is, so make a plan somehow. Sleep is essential for your body and mind to recharge, allowing you to better handle the demands of motherhood.
Not only will you be a better mother to your children, but your home will run more smoothly. And you will actually be teaching your children how live more balanced lives, and maybe eventually to be better parents for their children some time in the future.
Always remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish; it’s an essential part of being a strong and healthy mom for your child. Prioritizing your well-being will not only benefit you but also positively influence your child’s upbringing.
If you want to know what I have used and recommended for 30 years please leave a message for me on +27 (0)84 506 3643 and I will get back to you.
The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.
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