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Boosting your mental health

Nutritional Supplements for Boosting Your Mental Health

We might already grasp the value of certain supplements for supporting our ongoing health, such as Vit C for help with colds, magnesium for cramps and a multivitamin for the kids – just in case.

What is less well appreciated is that our mental health is also dependant upon a good supply of many essential nutrients. And that is we are essentially undernourished, we cannot function well, either mentally or physically.

We also need to understand that our brains are big consumers of both calories and nutrients! A brain constitutes about 2% of the total body mass of an adult, but uses up between 20-40% of all the nutrients consumed on a daily basis!

So, when we feel that we are not functioning up to par, the first consideration might well be to look at our diets – and change them if necessary.

We all know the story (even if we choose to ignore it!). Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fatty fish and other good proteins – and stop eating refined foods, processed foods, sugars and trans fats.

    We also find that difficult to do. For most of us it means breaking old eating habits, and putting new ones in place. And that takes time. Add to that the very real problem of the so-called ‘good’ foods no longer being as nutritious as they used to be (for many reasons)  and we are in a potential pickle.

    That’s where high quality, food based supplements can really play a valuable role.

    This quote highlights what I have just said:
    “I see supplemental nutrients as a safe and gentle bridge to wellness,”
    Dr Henry Emmons, an Integrative Psychiatrist and author of 2 books, The Chemistry of Joy and The Chemistry of Calm.

    He goes on to say:

    “Supplements can elevate people to a healthy baseline so that they have the energy, motivation, and mental and emotional stability to commit to long-term lifestyle changes, including diet.”

    And even if psychiatric drugs are required, one would do well to make sure that a lack of nutrients is not compromising the effectiveness of the treatments.

    So what are the supplements that are highly recommended?

    1. The B-complex vitamins
      They are necessary for moderating the effects of high adrenalin brought on by stress, and are essential for the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine which play a critical role in sleep quality, mood, and energy production.
    2. Vitamin D
      This vitamin moderates mental health by reducing inflammation. Neuro-inflammation, or inflammation of the brain and nerves, is now know to play a big role in poor mental health. We are often short of it as we are no longer spending adequate time in the sun due to the threat of skin damage and cancers.
    3. Omega 3 fatty acids
      These fatty acids are critically important for our brains from conception all the way through to the end of our days!
      A good supply of Omega 3 for the growing foetus ensures optimal brain development, and stes neurotransmitter signaling systems in place.
      In adults it is now known that deficiencies of these oils are linked to many mental conditions including ADHD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

      The best way to ensure that adequate amounts of these vital oils are available to our bodies supplements are highly recommended. Mots of us simply do not eat enough oily fish on a regular basis.

      But there is a word of caution here: All Omega 3 supplements are not made equal. Some work, and some don’t and some are probably frankly bad for you!

      If you want to know what I have used and recommended for over 30 years please leave a message for me on +27 (0)84 506 3643 and I will get back to you.

    4. Magnesium
      This mineral is known to have a calming effect probably due to it’s role in the production of the mood-regulating hormone serotonin, and also GABA which has a soothing effect.
    5. Selenium and zinc
      These are two additional minerals that play an essential role in our state of mind. They play a variety of roles in every aspect of our health and well-being, and no less in the area of our mental health.Supplementation with a good multimineral-multivitamin supplement is probably the first thing to do to ensure that all the necessary nutrients in this category are available at all times.
    6. Probiotics
      And do pay attention to your gut! When it ‘speaks’ to you, listen!Most of our serotonin actually comes from the gut, as does a lot of dopamine.

      The health of the bacteria living there is a priority. So using a good probiotic is worth considering, for mental health as well as a host of other reasons.

    If you’d like to get in touch with me please message me on FaceBook or contact me via Whatsapp here: +27 (0)84 506 3643 and leave a message. I will get back to you.


    The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.

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    Contact us today to find out more, book a consultation, or order some of our awesome products.

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