by Jess | May 6, 2024 | Blog, Colds and Flu, Kids Health
Kids and Colds There’s no doubt that the seasons are changing and that cold weather is on the way. When our kids were young this was always a challenging time, because they used to catch pretty well every bug that was doing the rounds, and seemed to be sick all the...
by rightHAND_admin | Oct 10, 2023 | Blog, Kids Health, Mental Health
5 important ways to supporting your children’s health and mental well-being through diet Diet plays a crucial role in both the physical and mental development and health of our children! In fact, a recent published article* provides evidence that a child’s early diet...
by rightHAND_admin | Oct 10, 2023 | Blog, Kids Health, Mental Health
Have you ever wondered how nutrition affects your child’s mental health? It turns out that nutrition is vitally important for your developing child’s mental health as well as for the physical growth and development of your child. Children who eat more nutritious diets...
by Jess | Jul 11, 2023 | Blog, Depression, Kids Health
Kids get anxious and depressed too Kids get anxious and depressed too. In fact UNICEF estimated, pre-pandemic, that 13% of adolescents globally have a mental health disorder! And the prediction is that the numbers are now significantly higher. While treatment of these...
by Jess | Jun 12, 2023 | Blog, Dads Health, Kids Health, Moms Health
Dads are important in the lives of their children Here are 3 important ways in that dads impact their children positively: When dads are involved with their infant children they form attachments that are as strong as those of the mom and baby, and that has a...
by Jess | Mar 14, 2023 | Blog, Kids Health
What are growing pains? Sometimes kids complain about aching or throbbing thighs, calves or behind the knees. The pain is usually present in both legs. Usually the pain is felt in the late afternoon or early evening, and it can be so severe that some kids might wake...