Dads are important in the lives of their children
Here are 3 important ways in that dads impact their children positively:
- When dads are involved with their infant children they form attachments that are as strong as those of the mom and baby, and that has a positive impact on growth and development, including weight gain in premature babies, and improved breastfeeding rates. If at all possible babies need to be breast fed – so this is a huge positive!
- Fathers play a special role in setting boundaries in a loving way. Where this role is fulfilled, the children thrive, with better outcomes in many spheres: emotional stability, academic performance, social skills, and general behaviour.

Studies show that youngsters who feel close to their dads are twice as likely to succeed as adults than those who do not. At school, secure kids are almost twice as likely to be A scholars and students, and one third as likely to have to repeat a year at school. Teen births drop by 75%, juvenile delinquency (and jail time) by 80% and depression by 50%.
3. The impact of the absence of a good father figure persists throughout the life of a deprived child. But there is good news! The quality of the relationship appears to matter more than the number of hours spent together. So even non-resident fathers can have all the positive effects mentioned above – provided that a warm, loving relationship is established and maintained conscientiously.
While the role of dad can be extremely rewarding, it can also be tiring and challenging. So keeping dads firing on all cylinders on terms of their own health and well-being really matters too.
The good news is that this can be achieved quite easily – without actually adding to the burden!
My experience has shown that certain nutritional supplements can play a very important role. Ideally, they should be derived from the human food chain, without any synthetic additives, fully researched and with a long history of successful results (over 60 years, in fact).
If you’d like to contact me to find out what I recommend please message me, or leave a message on whatsapp and I’ll get back to you.
My details are as follows:
Email address:
WhatsApp: +27 (0)84 506 3643
Start your energy-filled day. Designed for optimal cellular nutrition by giving your body key whole food nutrients and protein, the building block of life.

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