Does my kid need to take a multivitamin?
If you google that question the first thing you will see is something like this: If your kids eat a relatively well-balanced diet, and are otherwise healthy, they likely don’t need extra vitamin or multivitamin supplementation.
At first glance I would agree with the general sentiment. But let’s unpack it a little:
What does ‘a relatively well-balanced diet’ actually mean?
I know many people who provide their children with frankly poor diets but still believe that it is well-balanced. And we all know how difficult it actually is to keep our kids away from processed foods, sugary foods and all the things that are positively bad for them.
And the sad truth is that daily insufficiencies of essential nutrients don’t show up immediately, and can even take some time to manifest. And then the problems can be quite big and difficult to get to the bottom of and address.
I was certainly a parent who believed that I was doing right by my family – but despite my best efforts they ended up being the ENT specialists best patients! They began to catch every cold going around, and ended up with blocked ears (needing grommets multiple times), tonsillitis, swollen adenoids and more.
When I was introduced to some whole food, all-natural supplements (containing no additives at all) it all turned around. The kids stopped getting sick, their general well-being changed dramatically, and they were able to be the best versions of themselves possible. That I imagine, is every parent’s wish for his/her children.
The remarkable thing was how simple it was: I added a few things that were treated like treats, and we did a 180o turn in terms of our family’s health.
So my answer to the original question is: ‘Without a doubt, YES’!
The products that I used can be explored further here:
In particular, we used VitaSquares, VitaGuard and the protein shake.
But, even if you are generally suspicious about the value of supplementation, there are certain situations where supplementation is highly recommended. These include:
- Kids on the ADHD/Autism spectrum
- Picky eaters
I have addressed these in separate articles:
Can you improve ADHD and Autism with diet?
My kid is such a picky eater – what do I do?
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