Does Omega 3 work?
And more importantly perhaps, does the Omega 3 you are using actually work?
Unless it has been tested specifically you can’t actually know!
Here is some information about the product that I use and recommend. Clinical trials conducted on it have produced the following results:
1) It is actually absorbed by the body and taken up into tissues such as cell membranes, where it is required.
2) It has a positive impact on cardiovascular health:
- It lowers triglyceride levels more than 17% in just 8 weeks. High triglyceride levels are a marker for an increased chance of heart disease and stroke, and also for metabolic syndrome which precedes obesity as well as the diseases just mentioned.
- It raises total Omega-3 index to levels associated with the “zone of greatest protection” from cardiovascular disease. A 38% improvement on average within 8 weeks is remarkable.
Your Omega-3 index is used as an indicator of risk for death from heart disease. The higher the Omega 3 index, the lower the risk of sudden cardiac arrest! This number is widely used by clinicians to assess future health. For example, just a 2% improvement in the index leads to a 70% reduction of risk for a fatal heart attack!
3) Proven anti-inflammatory benefits:
- It improves the ratio of Omega 3:Omega 6 fats such that inflammation is lowered.
The relative ratio of Omega-3 fatty acids to their Omega-6 counterparts is also an indicator of risk of cardiovascular disease. Low levels of Omega-3 fatty acids have been directly associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, while high levels of Omega-3 indicate lower risk of disease. Supplementation with the Omega 3 in question showed a 43% improvement in the Omega 3:6 ratio. - It displaces inflammatory arachidonic acid from red blood cell membranes inserting the desirable EPA, DPA and DHA instead. This shift is known to be an indicator of lowered inflammatory state in the body – a cause of many if not most of our chronic diseases.
- It lowers the Omega 3 Inflammatory Index, indicating a reduced risk of inflammation and inflammatory conditions. This has been mentioned earlier regarding heart disease but it is an indicator for overall health in general.
Importantly, these measurable effects were seen within 8 weeks of starting the supplementation. That is very quick in terms of changing the composition of membranes and affecting the various indices mentioned.
If you would like to hear a lead scientist talking about these results you can take a look here: Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus The Power Of Healing:
Just a caution: all Omega 3 supplements are not made equal. Some work, and some don’t and some are probably frankly bad for you!
If you want to know what I have used and recommended for 30 years please leave a message for me on +27 (0)84 506 3643 and I will get back to you.
Or you can take a look here:
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.
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