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Happy Healthy Kids

Childhood is for playing, learning, and growing. Disturbingly,  the number of children with disabilities affecting their learning, attention capacity and social behaviour seems to increase daily. Conditions such as ADHD and autism, virtually unheard of a generation ago, now seem almost commonplace.

To a large degree, however, these can be tackled by dealing with the underlying health of the body, which in turn leads to a healthier, better functioning brain.

This applies with every child, not only those experiencing difficulty, and the first step is to take control of what the family eats –  the whole family!

So, no junk food! No processed food, no fizzy drinks, less fried food! Kids need the simple stuff, prepared at home.

It’s challenging, but it’s our job as responsible adults to ensure that important nutrients are on board – every day!

A good supply of vitamins and minerals is essential. So is a daily dose of antioxidants from the brightly coloured fruits and vegetables.

Every child needs these nutrients, but which are especially important for ADHD?

Deficiencies in Vitamins A and D have been linked to behavioural and learning difficulties. Vitamin B complex is also absolutely critical. For example, Vitamin B12, and folate, another of the B vitamins, is essential for energy production, nervous transmission, allergy responses, and levels of neurotransmitters.

Zinc and magnesium are critical minerals. In the brain, zinc regulates neuronal excitability. It helps in the production of serotonin, important for social behaviour as well as mood and happiness. It also determines ‘executive function’ – the ability to get organised, remember things, complete projects, do homework and so on.

For a full supply of thee needs my recommendation is VitaSquares. You can explore more here:

For the immune boosting antioxidants I have used and highly recommend VitaGuard. Again, you can find out more here:

And Grandma was right! Fish is brain food! Omega 3, obtained from rich, fatty fish, is essential for the development and functioning of the brain, the nervous system, and the sensory organs such as the eyes.

Most kids (and many adults) are short of these exceptionally important nutrients. If you want them to be able to perform at their best you will have to do something about it!

But remember, not all fish oil supplements are equal. There is a very real danger of products being contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins because the fish are grown in polluted waters. If you want to learn of the products that I use, and recommend unreservedly please take a look Childrens Health at my website:

All these nutrients should be in our normal diet, but sadly, this is unlikely to be true. With our own kids, my best efforts were not enough.  However, their health and general ability to cope with life improved dramatically when I started giving them some whole food supplements.

Start your energy-filled day. Designed for optimal cellular nutrition by giving your body key whole food nutrients and protein, the building block of life.

Contact us today to find out more, book a consultation, or order some of our awesome products.

084 506 3643