Heart Essential Nutrients
An interesting thing about research into important nutrients is that the work is done with isolated supplements to see how they affect the target organ. From the results it is determined whether that particular nutrient plays an important role in the health of that particular organ. But it can be misleading, because it is a reductionist approach, and we have no information about nutrients that haven’t been tested specifically.
The real answer is that we need to eat a wholesome, varied, wholefood diet on a daily basis to ensure that we cover all the bases, whether they have been specifically identified or not.
But having said that, here is a list of 7 nutrients that have indeed been shown to be necessary for a healthy heart.
- Fibre, both soluble and insoluble.
Soluble fibre binds to cholesterol and sugar in the digestive tract and so helps to keep blood cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels under control. It lowers LDL concentrations (the bad cholesterol) while leaving the HDL (good cholesterol levels) intact.
Insoluble fibre, or roughage, helps to keep the digestive tract clean and free of lodged debris which can ferment and release toxins into the blood stream. - Omega 3 essential oils
These oils are anti-inflammatory, which benefits the whole body as well as the heart. They also lower the risk of clot formation (thrombosis or stroke), lower the LDL cholesterol levels, and normalize the heart rhythm. - The B vitamins, folate and B12
These vitamins areas essential for the biochemical process called methylation. When the body is short of them an intermediate product called homocysteine accumulates. This causes hardening of the arteries – a major player in heart disease. - Magnesium
This mineral is essential for a steady heartbeat, and normal blood pressure. A shortage of magnesium predisposes you to cardiovascular disease and ischemic heart disease. - The flavonoid quercetin
This plant compound has anti-inflammatory properties, and also plays a role is reducing plaque build-up in the blood vessels, lowering LDL levels and reducing blood pressure. - Lycopene
This compound, which is responsible for the red colour in tomatoes is a potent antioxidant.. It has been proven to l0wer blood pressure as well as C-reactive protein, a measure of inflammation in the heart. - Plant lipids and sterols
These compounds control the amount of cholesterol that your body can absorb, thereby reducing the LDL levels.
They also play an essential role in the cell membranes of the heart tissue, and in energy production by heart cells.
If you are interested in any supplements relating to heart health please message me or contact me on +27 (0)845063543
Or you can take a look here: https://neolifeafrica.com/positiveoptions/shop/hearthealth
The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.
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