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Hot Chocolate Ts & Cs

Hot chocolate

Before we get too excited, there are some T’s and C’s that apply!

  • The chocolate must be at least 70% cocoa content, and
  • It must not be sweetened too much as the sugar is not a good idea!

What benefits might we get?

Cocoa is rich in polyphenols.

These have the following properties:

  • they act as anti-inflammatories
  • cholesterol levels might improve

Cocoa is rich in flavonols

These have the following properties:

  • they invigorate blood vessels, improving blood flow
  • they raise nitric oxide levels which can lower high blood pressure
  • they might decrease the risk of heart attacks, heart failure and strokes
  • they help neuron production and brain function – they might even slow degeneration of the brain leading to dementia and Alzheimer’s!
  • they help with elevating mood and promoting contentment and a general sense of well-being.
  • They have cancer-fighting properties – at least in non-human research tests!

Overall, there might be a win-win situation here!

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