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How harmful are our cleaning products?

Before you start spring cleaning your home, maybe you need to take stock of your cleaning products!

It turns out that most of the products that are commercially available are bad for your health.

In fact, exposure to many of these chemicals over time can lead to:

  • allergies, rashes, asthma and other respiratory problems
  • damage to the nervous system
  • reproductive challenges for both men and women, including irregular menstruation, miscarriages and a low sperm count.

Doing proper cleaning just once a week over time has been equated to smoking 20 cigarettes daily for 10 to 20 years! This is most likely due to the damage the inhaled chemicals cause to the mucous membranes of our lungs. In fact, levels of volatile chemicals are far higher in the air in our homes than outdoors, and fragrances from cleaning products are major culprits.

The reality is that we are exposed to these products pretty well daily as we make every effort to keep our personal environments clean, safe and pleasant. So the odds are stacked against us!

And yes, they are dangerous: in the USA the second most frequent cause of calls to the poison control agencies is following exposure to household cleaners, and the third most frequent is related to personal care products! That’s higher than calls for anti-psychotics and antidepressants.

As you can imagine, the most obvious culprits are the strongest ones such as drain cleaners (which are highly corrosive), toilet cleaners and oven cleaners. Chlorine and ammonia are often present in these, releasing fumes that are irritating to our eyes, noses, throat and lungs. Add to that the fact that combining different cleaning products releases further dangerous chemicals!

But there are other much more insidious chemicals lurking in most cleaning products and personal care products. These are endocrine disruptors, meaning that they wreak havoc with our hormones.

Here are some examples of the far-reaching damage that can be caused by endocrine disruptors:

  • Reproduction and groth and development can be compromised. This includes reduced fertility, disrupted menstrual cycles, birth defects, and proper development of both organs and biological systems in offspring.
  • Thyroid dysfunction, causing problems with energy regulation, metabolism and overall weelll-being.
  • The incidence of obesity and diabetes increases as metabolism and fat storage are compromised.
  • Our immune systems are weakened, making us more vulnerable to infections and other diseases.
  • Endocrine disruptors have neurological effects, compromising brain development and function, leading to behavioural and cognitive problems in growing children.
  • A number of chronic diseases have been linked to endocrine disruptors. These include various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems and autoimmune disorders.
  • And, the effects might even be intergenerational. So the impact on parents can be passed of to the offspring.

How much easier would it be to have a few really effective products that do a great job, are environmentally safe, child safe and non-toxic! And products that can even clean really difficult spots like ovens, toilet and engines without harming your family or your pets or, indeed your environment.

The good news is that there are such products readily available. They have stood the test of time for around 50 years in South Africa!

You can read more about them and in fact order some for yourself directly, here:

Or if you’d like to speak to me please message me here or call me on +27 (0)84 506 3643, leave a message and I will get back to you.


The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.




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