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How many different Omega 3 oils are there?

How many different Omega 3 oils are there?

If you ‘google’ this question you will be told that there are three important ones:

  • ALA (alpha linolenic acid)
  • EPA (eicosapenatanoic acid) and
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

1) The role of ALA
ALA is the one most commonly occurring in our modern Western diets and it needs to be converted into EPA and the DHA via a series of biochemical reactions.
But there’s a small problem – the conversion rate is rather inefficient in humans. Only 1-10% is converted into EPA and even less (0.5-5%) into DHA. Add to that the fact that our diets are heavily skewed towards Omega 6 oils, which interfere with the ALA conversions, and we are in serious trouble.

    So that is why Omega 3 fish oils are so valuable to us – the fish have done the conversion process for us and we can be sure to get adequate amounts of the EPA and DHA.

    ALA is also mostly found in plant foods while EPA and DHA are not. Diets low in EPA and DHA predispose people to inflammation which in turn leads chronic diseases over time. For this reason there is additional concern that vegetarians and vegans might be doing themselves a disservice by not getting adequate supplies of EPA and DHA.

    2) The role of EPA
    EPA is responsible for down-regulating inflammation. This in turn slows the developmnet of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cardivascular disease and stroke as well as cancers.

    EPA is also important for brain health and can reduce the symptoms of depression.

    Fatty fish are a primary dietary source of EPA.

    3) The role of DHA
    DHA is a structural component of brain tissue, the skin, and the retina of the eye.

    Deficiency of DHA early in life can cause learning problems, attention problems and aggressive behaviours in children. Later in life cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s are more likely when this nutrient is missing.

    In addition, it reduces blood triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels which contributes to heart health. And it also protects against some cancers and reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes.

    Then there are other members of the Omega 3 family! These are relatively new to our understanding, but they also play essential roles in our health. It’s almost certain that with time more details will emerge about their importance.

    All of the Omega 3 oils take part in complete metabolism to the point where DHA is arrived at as the end point of a series of biochemical reactions. So if any one is missing the whole process of producing DHA is compromised.

    Here are some examples of what we know about other ‘family members’ of the Omega 3 clan.

    • We know that DPA is also stored by the body and found in most tissues and that it works together with DHA in forming and maintaining brain tissue, repair of brain structure where needed and in the functioning of the brain.
    • ETA (3) and ETA are precursors of EPA, so EPA cannot be made if they are missing or in low supply. Together they are very powerful natural anti-inflammatory agents. They are essential for the maintenance and repair of all our tissues, and our ability to heal. Some of the problems associated with a shortage of these oils are increased autoimmune activity and increased risk of heart attack, thromboses and strokes, arthritis, asthma, colitis, head aches, inflammation, menstrual cramps, metastases, and osteoporosis!

    So when choosing an Omega 3 supplement how complete would you like it to be? My personal choice has all 8 components that are known to be involved in our health and well-being.

    If you want to know more you can take a look here:


    The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.



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