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Is diabetes a concern?

In 2017 over 1,8 million South African adults were known to be suffering from diabetes. The saddest thing about that statistic is that, believe it or not, diabetes is completely preventable! It is what is known as a life-style disease, so lifestyle changes can prevent it from developing.

So what can be done to lower the risk of developing diabetes?

Firstly, take a look at what you eat.

Your diet affects three important hormones that are linked to diabetes: insulin which moves sugar from the blood to the cells for fuel; leptin which tells your brain that you have enough fat stored, that you have eaten enough and so should stop; and ghrelin which determines when you are hungry and should eat something.

Leptin and ghrelin malfunction causes over-eating, weight gain and eventually obesity – and those cause insulin resistance and eventually diabetes.

So here are some eating tips:

Increase your intake of fibre, both soluble and insoluble. The benefits of fibre deserve an article of their own, but for starters it controls the release of leptin and ghrelin so prevents over-eating.

For most of us a fibre-rich diet is difficult to achieve. If that applies to you you can explore Fibre Tablets and All Natural Fibre under Digestive Health at my website:

Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates and increase your high quality health fats. Lower carbohydrate levels reduce stress, decrease inflammation and reduce insulin secretion. Healthy fats provide necessary energy but also boost heart health and feed your brain.
These include Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus and Tre-En-En on my website:

Drink enough water. If you become dehydrated your liver will secrete a hormone which raises blood sugar levels. A well-hydrated body naturally has lower blood sugar levels and lower insulin demands.

Then make sure that you get enough exercise. Exercise increases the energy demand of your muscles and so increase your metabolism. This uses up the calories. Even walking (10,000 steps a day is the suggestion) can curb the risk of diabetes.

Manage your stress levels. Increased stress affects blood sugar levels and causes inflammation – a recipe for developing diabetes.

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep lowers sensitivity to insulin and promotes weight gain – both precursors to diabetes.

These are all simple concepts, and are easy to do. But they are very easy not to do! My suggestion is that you decide on one and make that part of your routine, then add a second and so on. Trying to do everything at once sets most people up for failure and that’s not being fair on yourself.

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