Is Omega 3 good for my child?
The short answer is Yes! It’s actually essential for your child’s health and development.
Here are reasons to make sure they get Omega 3 daily:
1) It’s necessary for brain development, growth and function!
We all want smart kids and we need to give them the nutrients that are needed to make that possible.
One of the 8 members of the Omega 3 family, called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), is a building block of brain tissue. And it also is involved in the development of the areas of the brain that have been mapped to be responsible for problem-solving and planning activities and for mental focus.

DHA is responsible for fluidity of the membranes and for the transmission of nerve impulses. A deficiency slows learning and memory retention. Reading and maths skills in particular have been shown to improve with adequate Omega 3 on board.
2) Does your child sleep poorly at night?
Mine certainly was a shocking sleeper – and the negative impact on us all was palpable! What a pity that I was not yet wise to the impact of Omega 3!
Supplementation with Omega 3 has been shown to reduce the number of wakings per night and to lengthen the amount of sleep by about an hour on average. What a pleasure.
3) ‘Diagnoses’ of ADHD and similar issues have become far too frequent.
The accumulated evidence shows that Omega 3 supplementation can significantly reduce the symptoms of ADHD – and I believe should be tried before turning to medicinal drugs which have many undesirable side effects. By the way, if pregnant moms are low in Omega 3 oils their babies are at greater risk of having ADHD and other neurological problems.
4) Allergic children might be Omega 3 deficient.
Giving these oils to babies, essentially from birth, can reduce the incidence and severity of allergies and even asthma.
Better still is to start the process during pregnancy – moms who take Omega 3 during pregnancy can actually prevent allergies in infants and children.
5) Healthy kids also need healthy bones – and Omega 3 plays a role here too.
Omega 3 supports the cells that are responsible for building up bone – called osteoblasts. We know full well that children are very much in the business of building bones, so need to have all the ‘tools’ available to do so. Omega 3 also supports calcium absorption – and calcium is an essential bone-building mineral. And Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory so keeps osteoclasts under control – they are cells that break bone down so we don’t want them to be overactive!
6) Does your baby suffer regularly from respiratory illnesses or diarrhoea?
That might be a sign of Omega 3 deficiency too. Croup, bronchitis and coughs occur less often once kids are supplemented with Omega 3, as does the incidence of diarrhoea.
7) And sadly kids can suffer from depression.
There are studies showing that Omega 3 supplementation can go a long way to easing the symptoms of depression in youngsters, and in many cases even total remission. Again, this is a much safer thing than any of the drugs that might be prescribed and so worth a try in my book. And as you see whatever side effects there might be would be advantageous!
As with most things there are bad products, okay products and superior products.
I, for one, wanted only the best for my kids and found products that I used and recommend. If you are interested you can take a look here:
The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.
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