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Men need to take care of themselves too!

June is Men’s Health Month. But why should we only pay attention for one month out of twelve? It’s actually a lifelong project.

I’ve written regularly about general good health, and all those recommendations apply to men too. But let’s take a look at an issue specific to men – prostate health.

Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death in men, so being able to prevent it would be a real blessing. But long before cancer becomes evident, precancerous lesions can be detected. And there are other prostate-related issues that occur frequently – benign prostate hyperplasia (BHP) and prostatitis.

BHP, the enlargement of the prostate gland, starts around the age of 40 and is found in 90% of men by the age of 70! And prostatitis, usually caused by an infection which results in swelling of the gland, is the most common reason that men consult a urologist from the age of around 50.

So what to do to prevent (or at least delay) these horrible symptoms?

Keep physically active.

Exercise modulates hormone levels, prevents obesity, enhances immune function and reduces oxidative stress, all protective effects. And take your exercise in the sunshine to improve your Vitamin D levels – low levels are linked to increased risk of prostate cancer at an earlier age, and with a more aggressive progression.


Take a look at your diet.

  • Eat tomatoes! Lycopene, found in high quantities in tomatoes (even cooked) is important as it’s an effective antioxidant.
    Actually, lycopene is not the only important phytonutrient for a healthy prostate. To make sure you have the whole family that your body needs on board I suggest Carotenoid Complex. You can read more here:
  • Avoid high intake of meat and dairy products. Eat wild-caught fish, particularly the rich fatty varieties such as salmon. That’s not very easy for us to do on a regular basis though. Hence the recommendation below that Omega 3 Salmon Oil plus be a regular supplement for men as well as everyone else.
    Getting clean, unpolluted omega 3 oils happens to be a bit of a challenge so if you want to take a look at one that’s guaranteed to be pure and effective (supported by extensive research) take a look here:
  • Eat broccoli and drink green tea – they’ve been shown to reduce the incidence of prostate cancer!
    If you can’t see your way clear to eating these pungent vegetables or drinking the grass-flavoured tea with any regularity consider the options of Cruciferous Plus and NeoLife Tea!
    You can find more information here:


Very importantly, consider some supplements:

It’s really not worth leaving your health to chance, which is what we all do when eating the average modern diet.

  • Vitamin E. Long-term supplementation (5-8 years) with Vitamin E reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by 32%.
  • Omega 3 oils: the anti-inflammatory effect of Omega 3 oils protects against prostate cancer later in life.
  • Zinc: zinc deficiency increases the incidence of prostate cancer and BHP.
  • Selenium: 200 micrograms of selenium a day was shown to reduce the development of prostate cancer by 67 percent.

As a foundational product take a look at ProVitality Plus. It gives a good all-round coverage of basic needs.

As I regularly indicate, the quality of supplements varies widely and wildly. If you would like more information about the supplements I take and recommend please do get in touch.


André at 084 506 3643

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