More Than Protein Is Needed
You might wonder why a supplement is added to the shake for optimal weight loss.
Actually, there are several reasons:
- Effective weight loss, and then enduring healthy weight management, need the body to be properly nourished. Starvation causes dramatic weight loss, but it’s a bad option as it wrecks your health in the process.
- If weight loss happens with an inadequate supply of essential nutrients your body gears up to capture every last calorie that crosses your lips once you resume eating normally again – and you find yourself on the diet roller coaster that we all know so well: lose weight, come off the diet and put on more than you actually lost in the first place. Then find another diet that supposedly works, and repeat the cycle.
- The best weight loss programme is one that supplies all the nutrient your body needs to keep healthy while making sure that calories are well managed. Your body adjusts to a new normal which you can maintain into the future with a maintenance plan. And excess weight can become a thing of the past.
- Excess weight and obesity are very definitely predisposing factors for other chronic ailments, so losing the excess is a great idea. And if your body is well nourished ng the weight loss process you can prevent, arrest and even reverse those diseases that might be lurking. These diseases included the following:
- Heart diseases
- Circulatory system ailments
- Strokes
- Respiratory ailments
- Diabetes
- Joint diseases
- Cancer
The really sad truth is that carrying too much weight is often an indicator of other underlying health issues that are creeping up on us. So if we can marry our weight loss efforts with an improvement of our general state of health we are really on a win-win track for the future.
There’s good news about all this!
All these diseases are lifestyle related at some level or another. And that means we are in control of the outcome to a large extent. And we can even make choices that prevent the disease from gaining a foothold in our bodies in the first place.
As the saying goes, there must also be bad news along with the good. The bad news is that we have to take responsibility for our own health choices, and that takes conscious intentional action.
About 15 years ago the WHO produced a document stating that the biggest global health challenges were no longer the infectious diseases (which were more-or-less under control) but rather chronic diseases like those mentioned above.
Their advice was as follows:
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Eat more whole grains
- Eat more fish
- Drink alcohol in moderation
- Stop smoking
I’m sure you would agree that that looks rather like the recommended diet for a weight loss programme as well? And by now that should hardly surprise you.
I think the advice is great – but not necessarily easy to follow! And I have found in my personal experience that it is very difficult to actually find the food that provide the important nutrients present in those food groups.
Crops are grown on nutrient poor soils, they are harvested too soon and stored too long, they are sprayed with this, that and the other so when they find their way onto our plate we cannot be sure that they are really delivering the essential nutrients that we expect from them.
Add to that the polluted environments in which we live, the easy access to junk and fast foods, the high degree of processing that our foods undergo and we can hardly be surprised that chronic diseases have not been conquered and are actually on the rise.
A great solution for all these shortcomings is ProVitality!
For all these reasons, and more, ProVitality is a recommended additional product in the Neolife Weight Loss Pack – as well as for general maintenance of good health on an ongoing basis.
There are 4 components in a daily dose of ProVitality, each playing a very important role for sustained good health.
- Neolife Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus
We have long been under the impression that eating fat is not a good idea if we want to lose weight, or even control our weight. But it’s now understood that certain fats are essential for many of the biological functions of our bodies and actually have an effect on our ability to lose weight. On such type of fat is Omega 3 oils.
Omega 3 describes a family of fats, all of which are necessary, but only three of which have been extensively researched: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
ALA is the type found in nuts and seeds – the vegetarian source. But there is a big problem associated with this as your only source because the other forms are derived from ALA through a number of reactions that take place in the body. This conversion is not very efficient so it is wiser to take foods where it has already happened (eggs and fish primarily) or to take supplement which ensure that you are really getting the recommended amount and not depending on luck.
Low fat diets are not very effective, so the best fats to include in your programme would be those that are necessary for good health. They can help you feel satisfied for longer as they are digested more slowly and prevent the roller coaster ride for blood sugars that we looked at in the article about weight loss.
Then there are a whole lot of added benefits:
- They help to balance your sense of well-being. Even depression and anxiety can be brought under control.
- They reduce the risk of heart disease
- They are great natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Since the scourge of chronic disease has been linked to ongoing chronic inflammation this is a huge added benefit!
- They are essential for successful pregnancies, and positively affect the development of foetal brain and eye development.
- Then they continue to be important during the breast feeding stage where mom is still the baby’s source of these essential nutrients.
- They reduce and even prevent age-related cognitive decline. We all would rather not lose our capacity to be lucid, and omega 3 oils help with that!
- They keep our joints well-oiled and free of pain.
- They are very important helping manage metabolic syndrome. You can read more in an accompanying article.
- Neolife Tre-En-En
These are more oils that fall into the ‘essential’ category. This means that we absolutely need them for our good health and that we have to get them from our diets as our bodies cannot synthesise them.
Why are they difficult to get from our diets?
These oils mostly come from the germ of dietary whole grains. The refinement of flours has meant that the germ is removed from grains before milling – so we are no longer getting the oils from grain-based foods.
And why are they essential?
They are the building blocks of every cell in the body, being integral parts of our cell membranes.
They are essential to the membranes of the mitochondria, which are the energy factories of our cells. Too little leads to chronic sense of fatigue.
They assist in nutrient uptake by the cells. When the body is getting all the nutrients it needs the hunger reflex is quietened down and we eat less.
- Neolife Carotenoid Complex
Carotenoids are phytonutrients that come from the brightly coloured fruits and vegetables.
For weight management they have been found to have some significant benefits:
- they have a protective effect against insulin resistance – a condition found in obesity
- a lot of research is currently under way that shows great promise. For example, carotenoids appear to prevent the development of diabetes and obesity.
Then there are many added benefits to be had, for example:
- Improved immunity
- Cardiovascular health: thy act as antioxidants and lower inflammation thereby preventing plaque deposits on the arteries
- Eye health: lutein and zeaxanthin, two of the carotenoids, protect against diseases such as macular degeneration which is a major cause of blindness in later years.
- Cancer: cells are protected from free radical damage, a major cause of cancer.
- Multi
If we run short of any of the many vitamins and minerals that our body needs to do all the myriad tasks that are needed to keep us functioning well, we start to fall apart! It might not be noticeable at first, but over time the stresses and strains take a toll and we slip into chronic ailments of all kinds.
If we reduce our nutrients while we are reducing our calories for weight loss, we are setting ourselves up for unnecessary problems. So best to pre-empt and prevent them – it’s easy enough to do.
If you’d like to give it a try, as I strongly recommend you should, please get in touch with me on +27 84 5063643
Or you can order directly here:
Start your energy-filled day. Designed for optimal cellular nutrition by giving your body key whole food nutrients and protein, the building block of life.
Contact us today to find out more, book a consultation, or order some of our awesome products.