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So how can I clean my gut in the spring?

The short answer is to show your gut some love!

As we leave winter behind us we would do well to give our gut a spring cleaning just as we spring clean our homes at this time.

We all want to be ‘lighter’ and refreshed after the stodginess of winter, don’t we? And many of us would benefit from a bit of a kick-start for losing the extra kilos that have accumulated as we kept warm with comfort foods.

This all points to doing a spring time detox programme!

But there are some dangers attached to many of such programmes:

  • Many of them require extreme diets for prolonged periods of time
  • Many of them use harsh compounds that are not normally part of the human food chain
  • Many of them leach your body of essential nutrients


    And it is important to continue with the other health supporting activities that we all know so well: enough rest, enough exercise, enough water for hydration, a good, wholesome diet, stopping smoking, and abstaining (or at least reducing) alcoholic drinks.

    I have found, and used, a simple, effective 3-day programme to effectively reset the elimination mechanisms of my gut and to re-establish a healthy gut microbiome. The gut is then equipped to do the tasks that it is designed to do effectively, thus supporting our wellness and vitality.

    Rather than paraphrase what Dr John Miller (John Miller, SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher)  has said, here is some useful information in his own words:

    ‘Like it or not, every aspect of “you” is a reflection of what you have knowingly or unknowingly consumed. If you ate a diet that was dependent on chemical laden fast, convenient, “junk” food that is what your body is made of…..plain and simple. Additionally, those beneficial micro-organisms (AKA; gut bacteria or microflora), your personal “microbiome” that occupies your gastrointestinal tract are likely not as “beneficial” as you might hope. In fact, just like you, they are a reflection of that diet you’ve been eating. Junk food breeds junk-food gut bacteria! There is no other choice. They are what you eat!

    There are many implications to how a poor diet, overloaded with junk food and deficient in whole food can impact you. Possibly the most important is inefficient elimination. It is well known that all of the byproducts of metabolism (the 24 hour-a-day processes of energy production and utilization, growth, development, renewal and repair) are toxic to the body. Junk-food diets tend to slow down natural elimination of those toxins. When this occurs things end up staying in the body longer than they should, allowing them to build up or even to be reabsorbed. The result is a loss of the normal protection afforded by healthy elimination and truly beneficial microbiome.

    The NeoLife 3-Day Detox helps you re-establish healthy elimination and detoxification processes. It helps you move out accumulated metabolic waste and “clean house” in your gastrointestinal tract; moving out the junk-food generated bad guy gut bacteria and moving in the whole food loving good guys.

    Healthy, regular elimination and the detoxification that it provides are important all the time; but never more so than when embarking upon a new journey toward the optimal health, energy and vitality you are seeking. Resetting this process can be the key to your long-term success. Ignoring it can make it much more difficult; and for many impossible”.

    Is it possible that your body is telling you that it’s time for a detox? Maybe so. Here are some signs:

    • A feeling of stress, overwhelm and fatigue
    • A foggy brain and unexplained headaches
    • Being extra vulnerable to catching colds and flus
    • Having a liking for fried foods, processed meats and other foods, sugar and sweet baked goods, being a fast-food junkie
    • Your weight keeps creeping up
    • Your complexion is dull and you are trouble by skin breakouts
    • You frequently have gut discomfort
    • You lack energy, motivation and a general enthusiasm for life
    • Your sleep patterns are disturbed
    • You live in a toxic environment – see the blog about spring cleaning!

    If it seems to you that a detox programme might benefit you then you can take a look here:

    Or if you’d like to speak to me please message me here or call me on +27 (0)84 506 3643, leave a message and I will get back to you.

    And here’s a testimonial for you:

    Lani Meis, a mom of 6, shares how the NeoLife 3-Day Detox has not only transformed her body but how it also completely readjusts her mindset!

    “I was a competitive swimmer growing up and in college and have always been in pretty good shape – “once an athlete – always an athlete”. You know that saying. Anyway, I have 6 adult children – pretty much all athletes. When I reached 50 years old, I began noticing my mid section all of a sudden was no longer fit. I am now 56. I have struggled over the last several years to get motivated to do anything – even enough to enter the Fitness Challenge.

    I absolutely LOVE the NeoLife 3-Day Detox! I know it’s safe and healthy for my body thanks to the amazing Scientific Advisory Board – and it definitely works! A nice incentive is watching the numbers on the scale go down. I lost 5 pounds! I have done it 3 times now and each time experience what I call a mindset readjustment; a motivation to eat healthy, get back in the gym and a thankfulness that I am able to do both of those things. It literally changes my whole perspective!”


    The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions and experiences of the author. They are for information purposes and do not replace a consultation with your doctor.



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