The Overweight and Obesity Problem is Real
We may think that we are not yet in such bad shape, collectively, but the reality is that globally the obesity rates are reaching critical proportions.
The same is true even for us here in South Africa. Currently almost 70% of women and 40% of men either overweight or obese!
So we contribute significantly to the alarming global statistics where there are more than 1.9 billion overweight adults, of whom over 650 million are clinically obese.
These are grave numbers as the risk to our health is serious. Add to that the fact that global health care systems are being bankrupted by this and other chronic conditions.

Obesity increases the risk of many chronic diseases such as
- cardiovascular disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- various cancers
- asthma
- arthritis and joint diseases
You might wonder why overweight and obesity plays a role in other chronic diseases.
Here are some considerations:
- Excess stored fat can be visible, in an expanding waistline for example, but it also accumulates in vital organs where it can cause major problems.
- For example, if it accumulates in the liver, triglycerides build up in the blood, and cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose levels rise too.
- When this happens the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes rise dramatically.
So the question we need to ask ourselves is: am I personally at risk, and what am I going to do about this?
The simplest thing to pay attention to is the waistline.
The characteristic ‘apple’ shaped body, where the waist circumference is larger than the hip measurement, indicates a build-up of fat around the organs and this in turn is is a risk factor in serious ailments such as those listed above. As a rule of thumb your waist measurement should be less than half your height. If it starts to creep up beyond that you really do need to start doing something about managing your weight better.
To help you in your pondering about this I have prepared a few blogs that I hope you find interesting and useful.
Here are the links:
Alternatively contact me for a chat:

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