Weight Loss Testimonials
Today I was asked about my weight management offering and I was once more astonished by the testimonials that are available.
Take a read here, one from a woman and the other from a man.
Jen Winter
Lost 80 lbs.† and 20% body fat in 9 months using Breakfast Solution
* BMI 35 to 21
* Size 16 to 4
* Down to high school weight
I’m a wife, mom and work full-time. I’m a typical mom who puts their family first. I was so worried about taking care of others that I didn’t take care of myself. I commute two hours a day on the train, come home and make dinner, and do the daily routine and prep for the next day. By the end of the night, I was exhausted and cranky. My clothes stopped fitting, I woke up with aches every day. I had low self-esteem and really didn’t recognize the person looking back at me in the mirror.
My husband, John was also on an unhealthy path. We reached out to our wonderful friend, Jamie Summers and that is when our lives changed. Within 2 weeks of taking NeoLife, I started feeling more energy and I didn’t have the aches when I woke up in the morning. My brain fog is completely gone. I get everything done that I want to accomplish daily plus have enough energy to keep up with my very active 8-year-old. After many months of focusing solely on my nutrition and just walking, I have started working out again. I was able to incorporate jogging and using the Couch to 5k app on my phone. Now I’m doing fun runs like I used to in my 20’s and 30’s. This has improved my muscle tone and overall stamina. But most importantly I no longer have low self-esteem. Now I look in the mirror and feel proud of myself and I know my family is too!
John Winter
Lost 72 lbs.† in 9 months using Breakfast Solution
* BMI 38 to 26
* Size XXL to M shirt
* Size 42 to 32 pants
Before NeoLife, I was the heaviest weight I had ever been. My blood pressure was out of control. I woke up with stiffness in my joints that I would take several minutes to get moving. Any time I would sit for more than 15 minutes my joints would feel stiff all over again. This would make my job for 12 hours in a squad car an unpleasant day and left me unmotivated to get things done around the house. I felt like I was just going through the motions of life and not being the best husband and father for my family.
I knew I needed to make a big change in my life, so I joined the Challenge. I noticed with in 3-4 days that my energy felt great and within the first week I lost 7 pounds†. I also noticed within the first couple of days that my cravings and hunger was substantially better. My fitness level before was non-existent. Now I work out with a men’s group once a week and at home as well. I also have joined my wife using the phone app called Couch to 5k to join in on some fun runs. My fitness level has improved exponentially! Now I am able to run around the field taking a lead role coaching my son’s Little League team. I have the energy and physical health to perform at work with no discomfort, and confidence that I will be able to help my fellow officers when the need arises. Even more importantly, I am a much happier and active Father and Husband to my Family. My life has completely changed with the future looking very bright.
If you would like to have a chat, or know more please message me.
Or you can send me a whatsapp, leave your name and I will get back to you.
My number is +27 (0)84 506 3643
Or you can take a look here: https://neolifeafrica.com/positiveoptions/shop/healthsolutions
Start your energy-filled day. Designed for optimal cellular nutrition by giving your body key whole food nutrients and protein, the building block of life.
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